Parents » Parent Center

Parent Center

Dear Charles White Community,
We wanted to share with all of you that our English Learner Advisory Counsel and School Site Counsels met last month to review / update and approve two very important documents.  These documents are our School Parent Compact and Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Policy.  
A School-Parent Compact for Academic Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers jointly develop that explains how parents and teachers will work collaboratively to ensure that all students meet the standards for their level of achievement. degree.
The main objective of our Title I School Parent and Family Engagement Policy is to improve the academic achievement of all Title I students. We believe in parents as equal partners in the education of all students, and this policy defines how the school will promote and support that vision.
The Title I parent and family engagement policy has 4 sections: 
  • Section I: Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program
  • Section II: Building Capacity for Involvement
  • Section III: Accessibility 
Section IV: Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement
We wanted to let you know that these documents can be found in our school's website where you can always download them, or you can always request copies of them.  Just stop by our Main Office if you have any questions.  We thank you for your support and value your collaboration as we continue to support our students in their education.
Here is the Charles White Elementary 2024-2025 Comprehensive Needs Assessment - Evaluacion Integral de las Necesidades Presupuestarias 
To better prepare for the 2025-2026 budget development, we need your input.  Below you will find a list of the expenditures for this school year that can be purchased with Categorical Funding for next school year.  Please answer each question as it pertains to the 2024-2025 school year.  Please be as detailed as possible when explaining the reason for your responses.  This data will help should we need to make budget cuts to some of the resources listed.
Para prepararnos mejor para el desarrollo del presupuesto 2025-2026, necesitamos su aporte. A continuación, encontrará una lista de los gastos para este año escolar que se pueden comprar con fondos categóricos para el próximo año escolar. Responda cada pregunta en relación con el año escolar 2024-2025. Sea lo más detallado posible al explicar el motivo de sus respuestas. Estos datos nos ayudarán en caso de que necesitemos hacer recortes presupuestarios en algunos de los recursos enumerados.